135.json: "summary": "Schemes can be saved with same name, different casing", 138.json: "summary": "1-5 and 9-0 keys have no effect", 141.json: "summary": "Room owner should be able to pause game.", 148.json: "summary": "Can't exit from fullscreen mode (because of keybindings)", 150.json: "summary": "The \"Quality\" presets in versions 0.9.14+ are suboptimal", 155.json: "summary": "Accept key text", 156.json: "summary": "Allow dynamic modification of game window dimensions based on changed monitor layout", 158.json: "summary": "Don't center the hog after use the Bee", 159.json: "summary": "On the fly gamepad support", 166.json: "summary": "Portal: Fix portals being rejected on quite smooth surfaces.", 173.json: "summary": "Display proper message when trying to load game with locally non-existant map.", 184.json: "summary": "Teach AI how to use: Bee, PickHammer, Rope, Mine, Dynamite, Parachute, MineStrike, BlowTorch, Girder, Teleport, Seduction, HellishBomb, Napalm, Ballgun, RCPlane, LowGravity, ExtraDamage, Invulnerable, ExtraTime, LaserSight, Vampiric, Jetpack, Birdy, PortalGun, Piano, Flamethrower, Resurrector, DrillStrike, Freezer", 189.json: "summary": "fail UTF-8 encoding for friendslist causes problems on windows/ntfs", 192.json: "summary": "Tracker for keyboard layout problems", 200.json: "summary": "Enhancement suggestion: Reconnect after being disconnected", 231.json: "summary": "Configurable Font Size for big resolution", 250.json: "summary": "display total count of hedges per clan during room creation", 251.json: "summary": "prevent room owners from making changes right before game start", 253.json: "summary": "Fort mode is unnecessarily complicated", 272.json: "summary": "Make more weapons usable while jumping/falling", 279.json: "summary": "Make a sound when a chat message is received in Lobby", 284.json: "summary": "Hog swap too fast, plus \"hotseat\" issues.", 303.json: "summary": "Import ammo sets automatically from older versions with less weapons", 306.json: "summary": "Improve end of game statistics", 311.json: "summary": "Hedgehogs Olympic games (Feature request)", 315.json: "summary": "players ping display", 318.json: "summary": "Change game tick granularity", 328.json: "summary": "Swear filter", 333.json: "summary": "Player rank", 334.json: "summary": "Health/name hedgehogs tags missing after startup", 341.json: "summary": "hedgewars should check if players are dead after a knock (rope, snowball)", 347.json: "summary": "integrate haskell in cmake build system", 348.json: "summary": "Custom scheme could follow user", 349.json: "summary": "Custom scheme could connect to room", 351.json: "summary": "gorillas mode", 358.json: "summary": "Training Mode Should Re-Center on Player After Each Shot", 363.json: "summary": "update forum software", 375.json: "summary": "Make grayed out start button meaning obvious", 399.json: "summary": "simplify sharing game settings/weapon settings. ", 402.json: "summary": "Sniper rifle cancels laser sight tool", 403.json: "summary": "Camera/cursor problems", 406.json: "summary": "Allow for custom gears in scripts", 407.json: "summary": "Allow to set limit on teams number in net game", 412.json: "summary": "Campaign balance", 417.json: "summary": "Frontend fullscreen/animation problems", 423.json: "summary": "Use hedgewars style icons for dialogs", 426.json: "summary": "gracefully return to page from some dialogs", 427.json: "summary": "when recording starts, mouse is trapped in a invisible window", 451.json: "summary": "hwengine exits silently during Campaign Mission 2", 464.json: "summary": "New default save directory for Windows", 469.json: "summary": "Provide alternate servers if main server is unresponsive. Offer friendlier error text.", 477.json: "summary": "request when creating a scheme : new barrel or mine per turn", 478.json: "summary": "Multi shoot weapons don't check for gravity", 479.json: "summary": "Custom controls no longer working. Ammo Menu key", 491.json: "summary": "Allow kicking with reason", 494.json: "summary": "Tracker bug for Campaign-related issues", 497.json: "summary": "nick completion and editing in engine chat", 499.json: "summary": "Better integrate CMake with the Android build, instead of using the autotools version", 49.json: "summary": "Rope crosshair flashing & hog stuck bug", 502.json: "summary": "play with the user avatar", 516.json: "summary": "bgwidget not fully redrawing causes ghosting of UI elements", 538.json: "summary": "AI ignores crates when aiming?", 542.json: "summary": "Hog slips into sinegun tunnel", 544.json: "summary": "Insert version info in replay/demo file to improve listing (in addition to what we have now)", 549.json: "summary": "Map preview overlaps map type list.", 557.json: "summary": "Gui goes partly off-screen after playing a game", 558.json: "summary": "No music played in Sudden Death", 560.json: "summary": "Small UI inconsistencies (button and box corners)", 561.json: "summary": "Implement weapon offsets", 577.json: "summary": "Add \"Private Message\" style chat", 578.json: "summary": "strange bug .18 version, hedgehog sliding into another hedgehog suddenly changes location", 580.json: "summary": "Tracker for frontend broken-ness", 582.json: "summary": "Put Forts in separate sub-folders (like maps) instead of distinguishing them by prefix", 583.json: "summary": "Tutorial Improvement", 589.json: "summary": "add a 'reset config' button somewhere", 595.json: "summary": "Game speed option", 605.json: "summary": "allow building engine as library", 606.json: "summary": "weapon descriptions don't appear while game is paused", 607.json: "summary": "Change Mudball/Snowball icon to look like a mudball/snowball", 619.json: "summary": "Feature Request: Fix sounds in HillBilly Voice that are explicit", 623.json: "summary": "Hedgewars hwengine.png is low res", 625.json: "summary": "Unfair girder placement restrictions", 632.json: "summary": "Reorder weapons in the frontend weaponset editor", 635.json: "summary": "Lobby weapon filter has extra blank space at bottom of dropdown. Styling bug?", 639.json: "summary": "liblua 5.2 transition", 642.json: "summary": "Ice-gun irregularities", 647.json: "summary": "clicking cancel in Login window does NOT cancel connecting", 648.json: "summary": "Wrong order: Same hog gets two turns in a row after using freezer", 651.json: "summary": "Stupid check for DLC/Stupid asterisk", 666.json: "summary": "hedgewars binary command line improvement", 667.json: "summary": "master chef and elements", 670.json: "summary": "Frontend fails to keep game/ammo scheme locked", 671.json: "summary": "No more Weapons when iced other team on highlander mod", 676.json: "summary": "Telebombing no longer works as of ra5cf49dc993e", 687.json: "summary": "Scheme protocol exansion ideas", 688.json: "summary": "Frontend static analysis errors/warnings", 692.json: "summary": "AI-controlled teams say Illgetyou.ogg text instead of Yessir.ogg text at turn start.", 693.json: "summary": "Allow configurable hedgehog and team name “cut off”", 694.json: "summary": "Spoken text on victory often sounds stupid", 696.json: "summary": "Android build not building probably missing some files/path", 699.json: "summary": "Split scheme.ini and weapons.ini into multiple files, one per scheme", 701.json: "summary": "Game screenshots (using glReadPixels) do not render semi-transparency correctly on some cards/drivers.", 708.json: "summary": "Impossible to install new theme", 710.json: "summary": "option to scale the UI", 711.json: "summary": "Provide more information about game in the widget under quit prompt", 712.json: "summary": "Malformed map container widget", 720.json: "summary": "AI doesn't jump off hedgehogs to retreat to safe place", 721.json: "summary": "doStepCase and doStepTarget needs rewrite", 723.json: "summary": "*spoiler alert* space campaign, list of issues", 726.json: "summary": "Stats page should not only show kills, but also in some way indicate how many of those were clankills(incl. teamkills, suicides)", 727.json: "summary": "IRC Plugin", 728.json: "summary": "Birdy flies to wrong portal, fails to carry hedgehog", 729.json: "summary": "XDG_CONFIG_HOME", 730.json: "summary": "Kamikaze and slipping freezer hogs.", 731.json: "summary": "Automap bug", 732.json: "summary": "Grammatical number is not respected in mine time (easy fix)", 733.json: "summary": "Demo upload doesn't work on hedgewars.org", 735.json: "summary": "Hog does not bounce off rubber when attached to a rope", 736.json: "summary": "Barrels while still falling vertically rather than freely do not bounce off rubber", 745.json: "summary": "Camera is moving up constantly", 748.json: "summary": "Make use of “%1” for home runs", 750.json: "summary": "Getting a ping timeout causes Hedgewars to show you “fake victories”", 754.json: "summary": "If you are missing a custom map/theme when visiting a room, these values persist on creation of a new room.", 756.json: "summary": "More usefull message on \"illegal room name\"", 759.json: "summary": "Trophyrace bug when skip turn ", 760.json: "summary": "Configuration menu entry description for team area and hog description toggles needs updating to reflect the dual role", 761.json: "summary": "focuses on explosions create inconveniences with option of unlimited attacks", 762.json: "summary": "Allow settings key binds by capturing keys/key-combinations, instead of having to pick it from a list", 763.json: "summary": "Get rid of hard-coded key combinations at let users use the key or key combination of their choice for every single action", 767.json: "summary": "Sticky mine: Bug in combination with Highlander", 769.json: "summary": "hedgewars copyright needs to be updated", 771.json: "summary": "It is impossible to jump under a barrel", 776.json: "summary": "we should make an option to decide which game scheme shall be used for quick games", 779.json: "summary": "New music for official distr", 782.json: "summary": "Hedgewars and Fonts symlink", 783.json: "summary": "new user ip display (towards other users)", 785.json: "summary": "Server logging", 786.json: "summary": "Won't record on debian", 788.json: "summary": "Feature removed since 0.9.18 ?", 790.json: "summary": "Artifacts/Flashing on the map island on AMD", 793.json: "summary": "Video recording stops at 90+%", 800.json: "summary": "Ping timeout to server (probably a bad connection)", 802.json: "summary": "Mouse Sensitivity is Messed Up during Games", 806.json: "summary": "Gettext suuport", 807.json: "summary": "Set A.I or Human when setting up a match instead of on team creation.", 808.json: "summary": "Delete the limitation in the rotation of the beam of Construction", 810.json: "summary": "New Music and New Themes", 811.json: "summary": "Add keyboard shortcuts to navigate through the start screen and other sections of the game ", 814.json: "summary": "Give buttons more space in PageScheme and PageSelectWeapon", 815.json: "summary": "Rope goes through walls in racer demo", 816.json: "summary": "Network game crashes and \"Engines out of sync\" error message appears.", 817.json: "summary": "Adapted frontend to build under modern Qt 5 version", 819.json: "summary": "Setting for maximum allowed number of crates on map", 822.json: "summary": "Enable/disable vsyns in menu (and offer other things toggled by the quality slider too)", 823.json: "summary": "Full screen mode with Retina doesn't work correctly", 824.json: "summary": "Finder forced to foreground by Hedgewars", 827.json: "summary": "Bad sniper line of sight and sniper shots when hedgehog stands on top of the map", 830.json: "summary": "Add more team/clan query functions into the Lua API", 833.json: "summary": "Graph in stats screen can’t handle negative numbers", 834.json: "summary": "Mutant script update: Use graph to represent score instead of health", 835.json: "summary": "Lua API: Expose retreat time of game schee", 842.json: "summary": "Allow to select background themes for image maps", 843.json: "summary": "Display custom content (maps, themes, etc.) in a different way", 845.json: "summary": "Hedgewars treats spaces in campaign folder name as underscore", 847.json: "summary": "Rope head on wrong side of the map after passing through wrap-around border", 849.json: "summary": "Allow to select custom flag for bot teams", 850.json: "summary": "Frontend: Some context menus and buttons of dialog boxes are not translated", 851.json: "summary": "Saving a custom weapon scheme resets selection to Default", 856.json: "summary": "Cake ignores bouncy and wrap-around map borders", 857.json: "summary": "Record and capture screenshot buttons crash game in OSX Yosemite", 858.json: "summary": "Construction Mode: Time-travelling while having filters on map breaks script", 861.json: "summary": "Auto-camera “bounces” around when playable area is very small", 862.json: "summary": "Use proper stats for Racer script (code inside)", 866.json: "summary": "Use signed integers instead of unsigned integers (with few exceptions)", 868.json: "summary": "Remove redundant and very low quality missions", 869.json: "summary": "New weapon: Rubber duck", 870.json: "summary": "siPointType (LuaAPI: constant for SendStat) doesn’t work when used the first time in game.", 872.json: "summary": "Entering bad commands in Lua console screw up health bars", 873.json: "summary": "Script parameters are not available in onPreviewInit, but should", 874.json: "summary": "Some official team hats have no previews", 876.json: "summary": "Suggestions regarding weapon controls", 877.json: "summary": "Construction mode: Timer is inconvienently drawn over tag", 878.json: "summary": "Construction mode: Structure placement tool has airplane cursor", 880.json: "summary": "TechRacer: Long race times (probably >90s or >100s) are not counted", 881.json: "summary": "TechRacer has a weird crate with 0 sine guns", 882.json: "summary": "TechRacer: It’s possible to manipulate map", 883.json: "summary": "TechRacer: Ammo selection is not shown while in waypoint", 885.json: "summary": "Birdy is drawn behind barrels and some other gear types, too", 887.json: "summary": "Issue attachment storage quota exceeded.", 893.json: "summary": "Hedgehog being far off the right limit causes camera to screw up", 895.json: "summary": "Add Sudden Death counterparts for sky color, sky images and horizont images", 898.json: "summary": "Add Scrolling for Long Hedgehog Names", 899.json: "summary": "Campaign titles campaign mission titles are not translatable", 902.json: "summary": "racer map bug", 904.json: "summary": "Instant damageless fall", 905.json: "summary": "Re-Playing network game on external monitor doesn't work on the same monitor", 906.json: "summary": "Add custom Sudden Death music for Jungle theme", 909.json: "summary": "Multiple covered rectangles", 910.json: "summary": "Desync when current team quits", 911.json: "summary": "\"Scheme\" and \"Weapons\" do not reset to Style's default ones when host quits", 912.json: "summary": "[Air/Drill/Mine/Flame] Strike strange behaviour at Sea/Bounce World Edges", 913.json: "summary": "Check for new content to include in next release", 916.json: "summary": "Play random idle animations for inactive hedgehogs", 917.json: "summary": "Random team button in team editor should randomize flag and voice as well", 918.json: "summary": "Add Scotland flag", 922.json: "summary": "Mission update: Rope-knocking Challenge", 923.json: "summary": "shoppa maps generator bug", 924.json: "summary": "Player name of recording player not shown in demo", 925.json: "summary": "Possibility to force-display own name in team list", 926.json: "summary": "Touchscreen input", 927.json: "summary": "Show number of rockets/eggs left", 928.json: "summary": "Show icon when extra damage / low gravity is active", 929.json: "summary": "More in-game messages for all kinds of events", 92.json: "summary": "Investigate style preferences and define some short but clear style-guide for our pascal code", 930.json: "summary": "Change border color of Art to orange.", 931.json: "summary": "Clipboard feature in “start your own server” feature does not work in GNU/Linux", 932.json: "summary": "Link in “start your own server” menu leads to useless wiki page", 933.json: "summary": "Right click should preview weapons for next local human team to play.", 934.json: "summary": "Player's clan not restored in server on rejoin", 935.json: "summary": "Bee's target does not properly take world-wrap into account", 936.json: "summary": "No deja registrarme la captcha esta mala porque cuando me sale bien dice captcha invalida", 938.json: "summary": "After-game screen issues with Climbing Home mission", 939.json: "summary": "ClimbHome mission sometimes freezes after Climber falls into water", 940.json: "summary": "ClimbHome mission without English mission title or description", 941.json: "summary": "Windows 10 - installer doesn't work", 943.json: "summary": "Error with Starting game", 944.json: "summary": "Joining an already paused network game will lead to inverted pause-state on client.", 945.json: "summary": "Wrong number of Sniper Rifle training targets displayed", 946.json: "summary": "No support for purely anti-portal surface or a pure bouncy surface", 948.json: "summary": "Update TargetPractice.lua", 949.json: "summary": "Show mine timer in Highlander games", 950.json: "summary": "Include Teamwork 2 mission", 951.json: "summary": "loc() cleanup in missions and some scripts", 952.json: "summary": "Customized icons in stats screen", 953.json: "summary": "Update small “basic settings” icons in scheme editor", 955.json: "summary": "Reorder game flag buttons in scheme editor", 956.json: "summary": "You can select AI-controlled team to play in campaign menu", 957.json: "summary": "Minor fixes/tweaks for mission \"Chasing the blue hog\"", 958.json: "summary": "Mission \"Getting to the device\": Serious performance drop after destroying the barrels", 959.json: "summary": "Fix typos in A Space Adventure", 960.json: "summary": "[Discussion] Checkpoint probmes in mission “Getting to the device”", 961.json: "summary": "AI misses badly with \"Wind influences almost everything\" game modifier on", 963.json: "summary": "\"Wind influences almost everything\" game modifier is not displayed in [Esc] menu", 964.json: "summary": "Change default directory for hand-drawn maps", 965.json: "summary": "Bee is able to fly through terrain when launched through world-wrap border", 966.json: "summary": "Freezer beam goes through very thin terrain vertically", 968.json: "summary": "Lua API: Manally set respawn position for heResurrectable / onGearResurrect", 969.json: "summary": "Update flags for all missions", 970.json: "summary": "Add Basic Flying Saucer Training", 971.json: "summary": "Disabled time box has misleading description text", 972.json: "summary": "Napalm and Piano Strike without radio in hog's hand", 973.json: "summary": "Show preview box near hog when there's no special hog image for selected weapon", 974.json: "summary": "Teleporting hedgehog into sea border in Underwater theme crashes engine", 976.json: "summary": "Change most images to be language-neutral", 977.json: "summary": "Freezer ignores world wrap", 978.json: "summary": "Shooting strength not shown when viewed from the \"other\" side of a wrapped world", 980.json: "summary": "Use Goals instead of ShowMission for Highlander mission dialog", 981.json: "summary": "Mission categories and mission menu with tabs", 982.json: "summary": "Cave generator almost completely fill the map with land",